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Skemmtilegar og öðruvísi starfsmanna- og hvataferðir fyrir stóra sem smáa hópa allan ársins hring. Skapaðu ógleymanlegar minningar með fyrirtækinu þínu í siglingu á snekkjunni Hörpu.

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Sigling og Smáréttaveisla

Sigling með snekkjunni Hörpu og smárétta veisla á meðan við njótum útsýnisins til Reykjavíkur og eyjanna á sundunum….

13900 kr.

Copy of 71d512b2-31d9-4260-baf9-409e88a3ed37

Starfsmanna- & hvataferðir

Við bjóðum upp á skemmtilegar og eftirminnilegar snekkjuferðir frá gömlu höfninni í Reykjavík. Tilvalið fyrir vinahópa og fyrirtæki…



Lúxuskvöld við gömlu höfnina í Reykjavík

Dekraðu við einhvern sem þú elskar með dásamlegri siglingu með snekkjunni Hörpu áður en farið er í forrétt…

13900 kr.

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Whale watching afternoon Great facilities on board, great staff, super comfortable it was really easy to get access to good viewing points. We followed a humpback and got to see seals and porpoises. Fab day
Ellen F
Ellen F
Excellent trip with humpback whale sightings An incredible trip out to look for wildlife. We were lucky to see several humpback whales feeding, sleeping and breaching. The crew were very respectful of the whales, allowing them space so they could exhibit natural behaviours. A marine biologist on board told us lots about the species and signposted where to look. The whales chose at times, to come very close to the boat. Lots of photo opportunities and space to view the whales. It was cold on deck, of course, as to be expected but plenty of places to get inside and warm up. I would highly recommend this trip.
Lorna Olivia N
Lorna Olivia N
Fabulous Wonderful experience, great crew. Time and attention to detail to ensure that all the passengers had a wonderful experience. I would highly recommend.
Patsy w
Patsy w
Best day out! We booked this trip a year in advance and lo and behold the volcano erupted the morning we arrived. I was sent an email with either a different hot spa rather than the blue lagoon as it was dangerous or a change of trip. We continued with the trip and it was well worth it!! We saw Kerio crater which was -20! Watched a geyser which was fab, gullfoss waterfall which was amazing !! Then we spent the end of the day in the hot springs which was amazing!!! 12 hours well spent!
bev c
bev c
Amazing memories made Fantastic, warm inside with hot drinks available , very appreciated after the cold snow air. Three whales at once, just amazing. Fantastic commentary. Thanks for helping make memories
Paula K
Paula K
We had a whale of a time! We were lucky enough to spot two hump back whales in the water. It was jolly cold, beyond even our expectations, but it was a fantastic experience and well worth the money. The tour guide was extremely knowledgeable and friendly. Thank you for taking the time to share about the Puffins which are also local to the area at a different time of the year.
Kim D
Kim D
Great whale watching experience! The boat was the perfect size and the crew were helpful and informative. They explained what to look for and how to get the best view! Perfect for whale watching!
Alice L
Alice L